Similan Islands Photography – From Beginner to Expert

Similan Islands Macro Photography, more awesome Manta Ray footage in our highlights video, Beginner’s Photography tips and even some X- Rated Cuttlefish shenanigans!

Lionfish at Richelieu Rock

This trip was all about variety in the Similan Islands.  From a 4 metre Manta ray to a 2mm Nudibranch.  Expert, professional photography and some great shots from beginners.  One new Open Water Diver (Congratulations Dennis) and 18 Divers from the Senior Divers Club in Japan.

Similan Islands Macro Photography

We have to start this week with some amazing Macro photography from Takeshi Omura. Below are some shots of a vaerity of Nudibranchs and other similarly tiny creatures. If you don’t know what Nudibranchs are, they are basically Pokemon for Divers. You’ve gotta catch them all! Not literally of course. A good photo will suffice.


Nudibranchs are like snails with a difference. They have given up their shell and instead use a wide variety of defences to protect themselves. Nudibranch literally means ‘Naked Gills’. This is because in most Nudibranch the branchial plumes (Gills) are located on the outside of the body. The vast majority also have have two rhinopores on their head used to sort of smell or taste the water flowing over them. Their wide array of bright colours advertise that they are noxious or toxic. But this also makes them excellent Photography subjects.


Perhaps the most impressive thing about them, with respect to the photography, is their size. Some of the ones you see here are 2-3mm in length! Firstly, it takes a great eye to spot them. Then it takes patience, a steady hand and some real skill to get photos like these. If Macro life and Photography interest you, a Similan Liveaboard with Big Blue will hopefully be everything you want!

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Highlight Video from Similan Liveaboard Trip No. 6 (Including Manta Ray)

Now from the miniscule to the Massive. This week Videographer Pru has made us a great Highlights video with amazing Manta Ray footage. If you are coming to the Similan Islands then let us know if you would like your own personal Dive Video. Thanks again Pru!

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Photography for Beginners

Richelieu Rock Octopus
Octopus at Richelieu Rock

The Similan Islands are a great place to learn underwater photography. Clear blue water, colourful coral and a plethora of wildlife. This week we had a guest try out our brand new Canon Powershot D30. A compact camera able to go to 25 metres underwater without a housing! This is perfect for us Divers. It turns out the Canon Powershot D30 can actually take some pretty decent photos.

This week our guest Jess rented our camera and took her first underwater shots (note to Jess; the GoPro doesn’t count). For just two days with the camera I hope you will agree that these are a pretty good start. I particularly like the Ornate Ghost Pipefish at Richelieu Rock. So Jess, please comment at the bottom and tell us your secret tips! Did you have a personal Lighting Assisstant, for example?

Excellent photos though. Well done.

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Last but not least…

Have you ever wanted to see a Randy Cuttlefish? I’m sure you have. More proof that the Similan Islands has everything you’ve ever wanted to see…


Please leave us a comment to let us know what you thought of the photos. If you were on the Trip then please leave us a bit of feedback too. See you again Soon!

2 thoughts on “Similan Islands Photography – From Beginner to Expert”

  1. Well Chris it just goes to show what a five star service Big Blue Diving Khao Lak provides. A personal lighting assistant was above and beyond and I couldn’t have got those great shots without you. 🙂

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